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Southeast Colorado Hospital Rehabilitation Department provides wound care services to our patients. We specialize in non-invasive treatment of wounds stemming from diabetes, surgical, traumatic or vascular insufficiency. These conditions can significantly affect your quality of life and ability to interact with the world around you. We work closely with your medical provider to assure the best evidenced-based care to assure the best possible outcome to your specific situation.

Services provided include:

• Negative Pressure Wound Therapy including KCI Wound VACs and Mechanical Snap VACs
• Total Contact Casting (TCC)
• Debridement
• Limb Compression: Multilayered and Lymphedema care
• Dressing Changes
• Advanced Biological Dressings
• Circulation and sensation testing via Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) testing and Monofilaments
• Modalities including: Electrical stimulation, Ultrasound, Photobiomodulation (Laser)

o These modalities can help speed up healing and reduce infection rates through their physical properties
We look forward to helping you heal, reduce infection and return to an active lifestyle. Our Physical therapists can help you and your loved one accomplish these goals.

For questions, please call (719) 523-0122